About Us

Hummingbird Hearth is an educational and retreat center in Southern Oregon with a focus on cultivating consciousness, compassion and regenerative healing technologies.  Our unique approach is specifically designed around bridging traditional and new paradigm ways, allowing the plants to show the way, while helping one to navigate the journey of discovery.  We bring over 25 years of experience in the healing arts and sacred plant meditations.

Heal ourselves, and we can heal the Earth.  Heal the Earth, and we heal ourselves.  How do we heal ourselves?  Through forgiveness, self-discovery, and acceptance of our humanness.   Are you ready? 


Shannon is an Intuitive Guide, Somatic Bodyworker, Sound Healer, Herbalist, and Womb Tuner.

Shannon is passionate about helping each person find their potency and prosperity through embodiment. She uses a variety of techniques to help one resolve tension, heal trauma and release limiting physical and emotional blocks. Shannon provides a safe, comfortable and sacred space for healing to unfold and radiance to flourish.

Nathan is a Healer, Master Gardener, Tender of the Sacred Fire, and Plant Guide Extraordinaire. 

He has been growing and tending San Pedro plants for 14 years now, learning from the plants directly.  He also has practiced Earth Living Skills for 30 years and Teaches Creation Story through Friction Fire Hand Drill.  He believes the practice of ancient skills are actually Future Technologies.  Learning these skills creates a real metaphorical connection that enables whole body ~ whole mind healing.  Through elemental rituals and somatic bodywork, he midwifes the Infinite Self into the Here and Now.